
VA 换发新证 Process

  • If you are a returning Veteran Student you will need to recertify before each term.
  • 学生 will need to REGISTER FOR CLASSES before a recertification request can be 提交.
  • To submit a recertification request after classes have been chosen, click the 换发新证 请求表单按钮.
  • If you are not pursuing a secondary major, please type N/A in that specific section on the recertification request.
  • A generic e-mail will be sent 到你的 ATLAS e-mail acknowledging the request for recertification 已提交.

**Please note: Student will be notified via ATLAS e-mail should an issue arise and we are unable to complete recertification**


澳门金沙注册 physical campus locations are currently closed to 学生s, staff, 和老师. The VA office staff is working remotely during this time and will reply 到你的 电子邮件 尽快.

Thank you for your patience.


Beginning with the 2011 summer term, 退伍军人事务部 will no longer pay for remedial or preparatory courses that are offered online or in a mixed-mode format (partially 在线). These courses can no longer be included in your certified hours. 请 any necessary adjustments 到你的 schedule if need be prior to submission of your VA certification request.

What To Expect When You Submit a VA Certification Request

When you submit an on-line certification request you should expect an automated reply with your 提交 form to include answers sent 到你的 Valencia atlas 电子邮件 account. This 电子邮件 typically arrives within 5 minutes after submission.

Within 1 to 2 business days you should get a second 电子邮件 in your atlas 电子邮件 account informing you that we have received your certification and to please give us three weeks to process your request. When you get this 电子邮件 you can now rest assured you have a VA deferment/protection on your account and your courses should not get deleted unless you have an outstanding balance from a previous term.

When our office goes to certify your enrollment you will get an 电子邮件 stating we have completed our part and now you have to wait on the VA to finish their part, or you will get an 电子邮件 explaining why we can't move forward with your request at that time. If the VA at Valencia does experience problems, please reply back to the 电子邮件 as soon as you can to prevent any delays.

The last 电子邮件 you should get comes from 招生 Manager, which is the system schools use to certify your enrollment. This 电子邮件 will explain what was 提交 on your behalf and is typically received within 5 minutes of submission.

Certification for 短暂的学生

完成 Florida Virtual Application  on the website and refer for more information about taking courses as a Transient 学生.

If Valencia Is Your Home Institution

If Valencia is your home institution and you are planning on taking a course at another school you will need to get a letter from Valencia's VA School Certifying 官方, 丹尼斯Asselta. Please 电子邮件 her a copy of your Florida Virtual Campus approval 电子邮件 if you are going to another Florida public school. If you are going to a Private School or a school outside the state of Florida please fill out a Valencia Transient Form and submit it 通过电子邮件 to 丹尼斯Asselta. The VA office will then provide a Transient/ Parent School letter to both you and your secondary School's VA Certifying 官方 通过电子邮件.

If Valencia Is Your Secondary Institution

If Valencia is your secondary institution, please provide the VA office with a Parent School Letter/Transient Form that is signed off by your home school's VA School Certifying 官方. They will typically ask for the Florida Virtual Campus approval or need to internally approve you to take the course(s) before supplying this to you. 它是 your responsibility to make sure that approval is turned in到你的 VA office with your certification request either in person or 电子. The Valencia VA Office will notify you by 阿特拉斯 电子邮件 if we are missing this documentation and remind you that it is needed to process your certification request.